UK Government #
Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland – supporting the Secretary of State in promoting the best interests of Scotland within a stronger United Kingdom.
It ensures Scottish interests are fully and effectively represented at the heart of the UK Government, and the UK Government’s responsibilities are fully and effectively represented in Scotland.
Delivering for Scotland – The UK Government is working to build a stronger, fairer, safer and more secure country that works for everyone in Scotland and the whole of the UK.
Scottish Government #
The Scottish Government – the devolved government for Scotland and has a range of responsibilities that include: the economy, education, health, justice, rural affairs, housing, environment, equal opportunities, consumer advocacy and advice, transport and taxation.
The Scottish Parliament – everything you need to know about the Holyrood Parliament.
Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament – supported by two Deputy Presiding Officers, the PO chairs the proceedings in the parliamentary chamber, the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body and the Parliamentary Bureau. The Presiding Officer also represents the Scottish Parliament at home and abroad.
Current and previous Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs)